Squawk VFR
A place to find some information on all things aviation.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
FAA and Nyquil
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
As we watch this video it is easy to be like most of the people who have left comments and judge this pilot. But who of us have not made some mistake in the cockpit? Hopefully none of us will make this one but we have all made smaller ones. One of the easiest ways to insure that this does not happen to you is to simply use a checklist. We can get rushed, complacent, just plain lazy and skip items or not use the checklist at all.
Anytime you feel like skipping the checklist try and think of this video.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Save with FAA Combos!

Every pilot regardless of experience level needs to stay on top of weather and weather reporting. The FAA Weather Combo includes the Aviation Weather book that is the standard for learning weather theory and the FAA Weather Services book which will help take the mystery out of decoding weather reports.
If you are a student pilot, a flight instructor or someone looking to keep your knowledge up to date then the Private Pilot Combo is for you. It includes the most current editions of the Airplane Flying Handbook and The Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. The FAA had done a great job of making these handbooks easier to read and have added information on GPS and Technically Advanced Aircraft.
If you are looking to add an Instrument Rating in the near future the Instrument Pilot Combo is a must for you. It features the Instrument Flying Handbook which has all of the basic knowledge every instrument pilot needs and the Instrument Procedures Handbook that has information on advanced procedure and operations.
Each combo also includes a bonus of laminated quick reference cards.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Checkride Day Stress
It was a long drive to the airport that morning. The questions popped into my head at that point. Is that a cloud on the horizon? Is it too windy? What is the difference between Vx and Vy? Are my charts current? Did I brush my teeth? I ended up turning up the radio and let Sheryl Crow distract me.
After getting to the airport I focused on the task at hand. I met the examiner, a man with a big smile and a pipe in his mouth, and we went to work.
I have been nervous before each checkride. But this customer taking his ride today has some extra stress in my eyes that I have never dealt with. His parents are sitting at a picnic table waiting and watching. I have never had that, I just had to make a call when things are all done.
While typing this he has now finished the oral and is getting in the plane with the examiner. Good luck kid, we are all pulling for you!
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Thursday, June 23, 2011
On the ramp at Midway KMDW
Another great spot to watch airplanes at Midway is the parking lot of Giordano's Pizza on Cicero Ave. It is just off the center line of 31 Center and sometimes you feel like ducking when they come over head. If you get a window seat in the restaurant you have amazing pizza and a wonderful view. Not a bad combination.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Great Airport Community
It was great to see a business reach out to others when they too were being effected by the outage. Sometimes we forget what a great community we have at the airport.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
My cool new training aid!
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Groupon and Flight Schools
I recently spoke with a school that offered a one hour flight lesson, half hour of ground and a half hour of flight. They sold close to 400 flights over the winter months and it has worked out very well for them. They negotiated the Groupon fee and made sure that they would be able to handle a large influx of people coming through their doors. It was a success for them.
They have converted a couple of the groupon rides into new students and introduced the community to their business and the airport. It seems to have been a great thing for them.
Have any of you had any groupon aviation experiences?
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