Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aviation on Twitter

It seems like everyone is now on twitter and there are quite a few people who post mostly aviation related items. Here is a list of some of my favorites.

GirlsWithWings: She is the founder of Girls With Wings, a volunteer organization using women in aviation role models to inspire girls to reach their full potential. She is currently participating and an Air Race helping promote women in aviation.

AirPigz: He posts information on a wide variety of aviation topics. You can also go to his blog and see some great videos on building an RV and download his podcasts.

Jetwhine: Rob Mark has some of the best post on twitter. He is an award winning aviation journalist, pilot, professional speaker, and blogger. His blog jetwhine.com is worth following as well.

Pilotstore: They post items regarding aviation news as well as info and links to new aviation products.

You may also want to see if your local airport is out there. My home airport will tweet on things happening around that airport to help keep users up to date.

With twitter you can be as active as you like. Some of us post several things daily but a lot of people just log on to see what others are posting without posting items themselves. You can be as active or as passive on there as you like.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Updated Aviation Weather Services AC00-45F

The FAA has just made some changes to the Aviation Weather Services AC00-45F, Changes 2. The changes are mostly some small additions and a couple of items deleted. It looks like the FAA is going to make a third change in August so it would be good to wait until then to pick up an updated printed copy. It is great to see the FAA doing a much better job of keeping their handbooks up to date and relevant. I hope to spend some time with the new Risk Management Handbook this weekend and will post my thoughts on that early next week.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Be Kool with a Kool Scoop

If you fly a low wing airplane and are sweating like crazy while on the ground you need a Kool Scoop. This is a simple device that attaches to the left window and brings in a large volume of air into the cockpit to keep you cool. Pilotstore.com has the Kool Scoop on sale now for 10% off. Take a look at them at Pilotstore.com!